Are you ready? Let’s GO!

  • Travel

    Pick a destination…and then just GO! Adventures are absolutely mandatory in this crazy world we live in because they can fill your heart with joy, add excitement to your life and become ever-lasting memories to cherish forever. Never miss an opportunity to travel! You’ll almost always be glad you did!

  • Eat, Drink, Dance & See the Sights.

    Eat something you’ve never tried before! Drink something you have always dreamed of trying! Dance like no one is watching….even though they may all be staring at you! Open your eyes wide and see new things that you’ll always remember. Soak up the experience like a sponge.

  • Have Fun

    Having fun is one of the most important things in life. Our existence can be grueling, wearisome and heart-breaking at times so it’s crucial that we seek out and manifest fun at every opportunity! Let’s go have some FUN!

Travel Essentials

Here is a list of essential travel items that I have tried, own and definitely recommend along with links to purchase them.

BATTERY CHARGER - Keeping your digital devices batteries charged when traveling is a challenge and THIS portable battery charger is AMAZING. It supports FAST charging, has TWO USB ports and also is a powerful flashlight.

POWER STRIP with SURGE PROTECTOR - Hotels and Amtrak sometimes have few power outlets which is a problem if you travel with multiple devices like I do. This handy Anker device, which has 6 power outlets, 3 USB ports AND a 6-foot cord has eliminated that problem! I don’t travel without it.